Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The best made plans of mice and men......

May 6th at the end of the day around 10:30 PM, Chad is still out with our tractor and planter finishing up the last field of beans.

Beginning to wrap things up and put them away.

Dave Horras brought up his JD tractor and planter from Millersburg about 20-25 miles away

Dave cleaning the beans out of the planter

Too often we think that we know what plans we have made, but that can be changed so quickly. Two weeks ago Charlie started getting these severe gut aches. This is a man who only goes to the doctor to get his ears cleaned out.

But after a couple of days of pain he went to the doctor who scheduled a colonoscopy, thinking he was dealing with a bad case of diverticulitus. So he made an appointment for May 10th. The next day he called them back and said - can't wait that long. They decided he needed to come in for a catscan. That was on a Thursday. Put him on antibiotics. Friday he went back to the doctor on Friday, still in pain. Told him to take something to clean out the barium from the catscan.

So on Friday he took this stuff. Nothing, now he was getting concerned so we went to the ER on Sunday AM. He was completely plugged and still hurting. More tests on Monday and was determined the blockage was not diverticulitus, but a tumor.

They would have done surgery on Thursday, but Charlie asked if there was anyway he could by some time???? to get his beans planted and "To get his ducks in a row" The surgeon gave him till May 11th. and put him on a steroid to shrink the tumor - it worked. Charlie went home and with the help of Dave Horras, Garry Smith, Bob Baerg, Kenny Folkmann, Andy Kloppenburg, and son-in-law Chad, all of the beans were planted by May 6th.

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